Conferences in New York
April 22-23, 2027
- ICFMA 2027: Financial Mathematics and Applications Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICFMHTT 2027: Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICFMOI 2027: Financial Mathematics and Optimal Investment Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICFMRPM 2027: Financial Mathematics, Risk and Portfolio Management Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICFSN 2027: Food Security and Nutrition Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICFTQC 2027: Food Technology and Quality Control Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICFWE 2027: Forest and Wildlife Ecology Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICGE 2027: Geomatics Engineering Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICGEC 2027: Gastroenterology, Endoscopy and Colonoscopy Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICGGEE 2027: Geosciences, Geophysics and Environmental Engineering Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICGGMR 2027: Geosciences, Geology and Mineral Resources Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICGGRM 2027: Geosciences, Geology and Rock Mechanics Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICGIP 2027: Gait Implications and Podiatry Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICGMP 2027: Geosciences, Mineralogy and Petrology Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICGRBS 2027: Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICGS 2027: Gender and Sociology Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICGTE 2027: Geography, Transport and Environment Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICGTGS 2027: Geothermal Technologies and Geothermal Systems Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICGWE 2027: Girls' and Women's Education Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICHAAP 2027: History, Anthropology, Archaeology and Philosophy Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICHEV 2027: Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICHLSS 2027: Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICHRF 2027: Human Rights and Freedom Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICHWCRM 2027: Human-Wildlife Conflicts and Risk Management Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICIAM 2027: Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICIBB 2027: Industrial Biotechnology and Bioengineering Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICIBE 2027: Industrial and Business Engineering Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICIEEM 2027: Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICIEM 2027: Internet Economy and Marketing Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICIEMT 2027: Innovation, Engineering Management and Technology Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICIEOR 2027: Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICIFE 2027: Information and Financial Engineering Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICIKT 2027: Information and Knowledge Technology Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICILH 2027: International Law and Humanities Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICIME 2027: Industrial and Mechanical Engineering Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICIMN 2027: Integrative Medicine and Nutrition Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICIMSE 2027: Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICIMT 2027: Innovation, Management and Technology Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICIPACV 2027: Image Processing, Analysis and Computer Vision Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICIPE 2027: Industrial and Production Engineering Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICISE 2027: Information and Systems Engineering Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICISP 2027: Imaging and Signal Processing Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICIUDSC 2027: Intelligent Urban Design and Smart Cities Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICLAL 2027: Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICLLL 2027: Languages, Literature and Linguistics Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICLSC 2027: Logistics and Supply Chain Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICM 2027: Mathematics Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMAS 2027: Medical Anthropology and Sociology Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMASM 2027: Mechanical Advantage and Simple Machines Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMBBE 2027: Molecular Biochemistry and Biological Engineering Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMBE 2027: Medical and Biomedical Engineering Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMC 2027: Myocarditis and Cardiomyopathies Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMCB 2027: Mathematical and Computational Biology Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMCC 2027: Mathematical and Computational Chemistry Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMCMP 2027: Mathematical and Computational Methods in Physics Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMEAM 2027: Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMEDA 2027: Mechanical Engineering Design and Analysis Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMEM 2027: Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMET 2027: Manufacturing Engineering and Technology Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMHEMW 2027: Mental Health in Emergencies and Mental Wellness Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMI 2027: Medical Imaging Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMIME 2027: Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMISE 2027: Machine Intelligence and Systems Engineering Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMLDA 2027: Machine Learning and Data Analysis Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMMAC 2027: Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and Computation Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMMASE 2027: Mathematical Methods and Applications in Science and Engineering Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMMCS 2027: Media and Mass Communication Studies Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMMME 2027: Mechanical, Manufacturing and Mechatronics Engineering Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMMT 2027: Musicology and Music Theory Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMN 2027: Molecular Neurobiology Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMPA 2027: Mathematical Physics and Applications Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMPMI 2027: Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMR 2027: Materials Research Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMS 2027: Modeling and Simulation Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMSA 2027: Mathematical Statistics and Applications Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMSE 2027: Materials Science and Engineering Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMSEM 2027: Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Management Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMSS 2027: Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICMTSD 2027: Maritime Transport and Ship Design Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICNAS 2027: Nanomaterials and Atomic Structure Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICNIT 2027: Neutrosophic Information Theory Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICNLPTPA 2027: Natural Language Processing and Text Processing Aids Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICNMNF 2027: Nuclear Materials and Nuclear Fuels Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICNMP 2027: Nonlinear Mathematical Physics Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICNN 2027: Neural Networks Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICNO 2027: Nonlinear Optics Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICNQE 2027: Nuclear and Quantum Engineering Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICOBSP 2027: Organization Behavior and Social Psychology Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICODH 2027: Occupational Diseases and Healthcare Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICOGPE 2027: Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Engineering Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICOGT 2027: Ophthalmology and Glaucoma Treatments Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICOMIE 2027: Operations Management and Industrial Engineering Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICOMP 2027: Oral Microbiology and Pathology Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICOMPPP 2027: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology in Pediatric Patients Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICOOT 2027: Ophthalmology and Optometry Therapeutics Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICOPTPTE 2027: Orthopedic Physical Therapy and Pressure Therapy Equipments Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICOR 2027: Operations Research Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICOS 2027: Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICOSID 2027: Orthodontic Supplies, Implants and Dentures Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
- ICOTGO 2027: Obesity Treatments and Genetics of Obesity Conference, New York (Apr 22-23, 2027)
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