Conferences in New York
August 09-10, 2027
- ICLL 2027: Labour Law Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICLSAL 2027: Language Sciences and Applied Linguistics Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICLSM 2027: Language Sciences and Multilingualism Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICMAP 2027: Mechatronics and Applied Physics Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICMASM 2027: Mechanical Advantage and Simple Machines Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICMEFB 2027: Marine Ecosystems and Freshwater Biodiversity Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICMIT 2027: Medical Informatics and Telemedicine Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICML 2027: Modernism in Literature Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICMMA 2027: Multiphysics Modeling and Analysis Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICMPNT 2027: Multifunctional Polymer Nanocomposites and Technologies Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICMS 2027: Microscopy and Spectroscopy Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICMUP 2027: Municipal and Urban Planning Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICN 2027: Nanomedicine Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICNIHM 2027: Nursing Informatics and Healthcare Management Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICNMS 2027: Nanocomposites and Materials Studies Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICNPF 2027: Nuclear Physics and Fission Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICNST 2027: Nanofabrication Systems and Technologies Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICO 2027: Oceanology Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICOCC 2027: Oceanography and Climate Change Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICOEE 2027: Ophthalmology: Exotropia and Esotropia Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICONA 2027: Ophthalmology Novel Approaches Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICOOHNS 2027: Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICOVD 2027: Ophthalmology and Vision Defects Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPA 2027: Pharmacology and Addiction Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPBPSPR 2027: Political Behavior, Political Science and Principles Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPCR 2027: Philosophy and Comparative Religion Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPE 2027: Philosophy Education Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPEL 2027: Physics Education and Learning Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPHHSHCM 2027: Population Health, Health Systems and Health Care Management Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPHRPCVE 2027: Peacebuilding, Human Rights and Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPIL 2027: Public International Law Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPIMP 2027: Pedagogy, Innovative Methods and Practices Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPIMTS 2027: Pedagogy, Innovative Methods and Teaching Strategies Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPM 2027: Plasma Medicine Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPPB 2027: Pharmaceutical Preformulation and Biopharmaceutics Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPPDA 2027: Parasitology, Pharmacology and Domestic Animals Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPPE 2027: Polymer Physics and Engineering Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPPH 2027: Personality Psychology and Health Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPPS 2027: Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPR 2027: Production Research Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPSMDM 2027: Physical Systems Modeling and Dynamic Models Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPSPA 2027: Political Science and Public Administration Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPT 2027: Probability Theory Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPTI 2027: Political Thinking and Ideologies Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICPTS 2027: Philosophical and Theological Sciences Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICQGC 2027: Quantum Gravity and Cosmology Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICQPM 2027: Quantum Physics and Mechanics Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICRALD 2027: Residential Architecture and Landscape Design Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICRATP 2027: Rhetoric, Argumentation Theory and Philosophy Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICRLP 2027: Refugee Law and Policy Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICRMA 2027: Refractory Metals and Alloys Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICSADA 2027: Sports Analytics and Data Analysis Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICSADV 2027: Sports Analytics and Data Visualization Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICSECMD 2027: Structural Engineering, Computational Mechanics and Design Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICSL 2027: Space Law Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICSMSM 2027: Sport Management and Sport Marketing Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICSMT 2027: Spacecraft Mechanics and Technologies Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICSNA 2027: Social Network Analysis Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICSPEEHS 2027: Sport, Physical Education, Exercise and Health Sciences Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICSRS 2027: Structural Reliability and Statistics Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICSSCVC 2027: Semiotics, Social, Cultural and Visual Communication Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICSSHI 2027: Social Sciences and Humanities Innovation Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICSSM 2027: Sensory Science and Marketing Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICSTI 2027: Science and Technology Innovation Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICSWP 2027: Natural Sciences and Environmental Engineering Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICT 2027: Theology Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICTCM 2027: Translation and Cultural Mobility Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICTET 2027: Thermal Engineering and Thermodynamics Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICTIEM 2027: Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICTP 2027: Theoretical Physics Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICTRS 2027: Theology and Religious Studies Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICUA 2027: Urban Anthropology Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICULLA 2027: Universal Linguistics and Language Acquisition Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICUUG 2027: Urbanization and Urban Geography Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICVE 2027: Veterinary Ethics Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICVS 2027: Violence and Society Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICWFM 2027: Weather Forecasting and Meteorology Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ICWPESM 2027: Wildlife Protection and Endangered Species Management Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
- ıICPP 2027: Personality Psychology Conference, New York (Aug 09-10, 2027)
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