Conferences in Rome
August 23-24, 2027
- ICAAMG 2027: Academic Art, Museums and Galleries Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICABBSS 2027: Agro-Biotechnology, Biosafety and Seed Systems Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICACEE 2027: Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICADBT 2027: Architectural Design and Building Technology Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICADMA 2027: Architectural Design and Modern Architecture Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICAE 2027: Applied Econometrics Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICAEWM 2027: Agricultural Engineering and Water Management Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICAHD 2027: Animal Husbandry and Dairying Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICAIEMP 2027: Advanced Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing Processes Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICAL 2027: Administrative Law Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICALL 2027: Arabic Language and Linguistics Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICAMIE 2027: Advanced Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICAMMMPB 2027: Advanced Medical Microbiology, Microbial Physiology and Biochemistry Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICAP 2027: Abnormal Psychology Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICAPND 2027: Applied Psychology and Neurocognitive Disorder Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICAPP 2027: Applied Psychology and Psychoanalysis Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICAS 2027: Agricultural Statistics Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICASS 2027: Agricultural Soil Science Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICBCSM 2027: Building Construction and Structural Materials Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICBE 2027: Biomedical Engineering Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICBEBT 2027: Biomedical Engineering and Biosensor Technologies Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICBFM 2027: Business Financial Management Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICBIRM 2027: Business Intelligence Reasoning and Modeling Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICBMCCS 2027: Building Materials, Construction and Composite Structures Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICBMIIM 2027: Business Model Innovation and Innovation Management Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICCAAH 2027: Classical Archaeology and Ancient History Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICCCEGES 2027: Cloud Computing, e-Governance and e-Service Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICCEE 2027: Construction and Environmental Engineering Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICCEM 2027: Construction and Earth Materials Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICCESD 2027: Civil Engineering and Sustainable Designs Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICCFA 2027: Corporate Finance and Accounting Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICCFCG 2027: Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICCFCM 2027: Corporate Finance and Capital Markets Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICCH 2027: Cultural Critics and Humanities Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICCIS 2027: Creativity and Innovation Systems Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICCL 2027: Constitutional Law Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICCLLS 2027: Comparative Literature and Literary Studies Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICCLT 2027: Cognitive Linguistics and Translation Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICCLTS 2027: Corpus Linguistics and Translation Studies Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICCMB 2027: Cellular and Molecular Biology Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICCMC 2027: Ceramic Materials and Components Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICCNH 2027: Clinical Nutrition and Health Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICCNN 2027: Carbon Nanoparticles and Nanostructures Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICCS 2027: Chirality and Stereochemistry Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICCSME 2027: Control Systems and Mechanical Engineering Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICDEC 2027: Defense Electronics and Communications Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICDEM 2027: Disaster and Emergency Medicine Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICDI 2027: Dental Implants Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICDPT 2027: Disability and Physical Therapy Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICE 2027: Ecolinguistics Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICEBMH 2027: Economics, Business, Management and Humanities Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICECS 2027: Education and Cognitive Science Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICEDL 2027: Education and Distance Learning Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICEDR 2027: Education and Development Research Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICEEC 2027: Electrochemistry and Electroanalytical Chemistry Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICEECS 2027: Education, Environment, Culture and Society Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICEEM 2027: Ecological and Environmental Microbiology Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICEEPS 2027: Education, Psychology, Economics and Society Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICEES 2027: Education and Education System Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICEM 2027: Electrochemistry and Materials Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICEMHMW 2027: Emergency Mental Health and Mental Wellness Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICEPCS 2027: Economics, Politics and Civil Society Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICEPSS 2027: Education, Psychology and Social Sciences Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICESEM 2027: Energy Storage and Energy Management Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICESSM 2027: Energy Storage and Storage Methods Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICET 2027: Education and Technology Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICFBRD 2027: Family Business and Regional Development Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICFE 2027: Nutrition and Food Engineering Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICFSNT 2027: Food Science, Nutrition and Technology Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICFWRTIT 2027: Food Waste Recovery Technologies and Industrial Techniques Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICGLC 2027: German Language and Culture Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICGSK 2027: Geostatistics and Simple Kriging Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICHA 2027: History of Architecture Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICHB 2027: Human Biomechanics Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICHEE 2027: Hydrology, Ecology and Environment Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICHGP 2027: Human Geography and Planning Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICHGSP 2027: Human Geography and Spatial Planning Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICHMEE 2027: Heavy Metals in the Environment and Ecosystems Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICHO 2027: Hematology and Oncology Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICHSBES 2027: Humanities, Social, Behavioral and Educational Sciences Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICIBFI 2027: Islamic Banking, Finance and Investment Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICIEAT 2027: Industrial Engineering and Automation Technology Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICIELCA 2027: Industrial Ecology and Life Cycle Assessment Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICILSCM 2027: International Logistics and Supply Chain Management Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICL 2027: Law Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICLE 2027: Law of Evidence Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICLLT 2027: Learning, E-Learning and Teaching Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICMBS 2027: Migration and Border Studies Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICMCH 2027: Maternal and Child Health Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICMCR 2027: Media and Communication Research Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICMEA 2027: Mechanical Engineering and Automation Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICMED 2027: Metabolism, Endocrinology and Diabetes Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICMEDM 2027: Music Education and Dalcroze Method Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICMEOET 2027: Music Education and Online Education Technologies Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICMESA 2027: Manufacturing Engineering and System Analysis Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICMFS 2027: Micronutrients and Food Science Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICMIS 2027: Manufacturing Innovations and Systems Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICMSAM 2027: Modeling and Simulation for Additive Manufacturing Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICMSM 2027: Microelectronics and Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
- ICNM 2027: Nanoscale Magnetism Conference, Rome (Aug 23-24, 2027)
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