Conferences in Venice
August 12-13, 2027
- ICEECST 2027: Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Technology Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICEED 2027: Energy, Environment and Development Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICEEE 2027: Environmental and Ecological Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICEEM 2027: Engineering, Economics and Management Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICEESE 2027: Electrical, Electronics and Systems Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICEETA 2027: Electrical Engineering: Theory and Application Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICEFE 2027: Economics and Financial Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICEG 2027: Engineering Geophysics Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICEGE 2027: Experimental Genetics and Evolution Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICEGSE 2027: Earthquake, Geological and Structural Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICEM 2027: Emergency Medicine Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICEMBS 2027: Economics, Management and Behavioral Sciences Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICEMIS 2027: Economics and Management Information Systems Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICEMPM 2027: Engineering, Manufacturing and Production Management Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICEMS 2027: Environmental Mathematics and Statistics Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICEMSR 2027: Environmental Monitoring, Simulation and Remediation Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICENRE 2027: Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICEPCS 2027: Economics, Politics and Civil Society Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICEPE 2027: Electrical and Power Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICESEM 2027: Environmental Systems Engineering and Management Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICESRE 2027: Earth Science and Resource Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICETM 2027: Entertainment Technology and Management Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICETP 2027: Ethics in Politics Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICEWOC 2027: Electronics, Wireless and Optical Communications Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICFA 2027: Fashion Accessories Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICFC 2027: Financial Criminology Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICFEIS 2027: Forest Entomology and Insect Structure Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICFGRR 2027: Fluvial Geomorphology and River Restoration Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICGC 2027: Green Chemistry Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICGE 2027: Geoscience and Environment Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICGES 2027: Geological and Environmental Sciences Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICGGE 2027: Geomechanical and Geotechnical Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICGOI 2027: Gynecology, Obstetrics and Infertility Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICGRMT 2027: Groundwater Remediation Methods and Technology Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICGSH 2027: Gender, Sex and Healthcare Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICHC 2027: Health Communications Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICHCR 2027: Human and Constitutional Rights Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICHH 2027: Health Humanities Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICHIHIM 2027: Health Informatics and Health Information Management Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICHMI 2027: Health and Medical Informatics Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICHTM 2027: Healthcare Technology and Management Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICHUPD 2027: Housing, Urban Planning and Development Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICIBPM 2027: Information and Business Process Management Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICIC 2027: Intellectual Capital Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICICS 2027: Information and Communication Systems Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICICT 2027: Information and Communication Technologies Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICIEEM 2027: Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICIEOM 2027: Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICIG 2027: Internationalism and Globalization Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICIIM 2027: Intercultural Information Management Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICIMEM 2027: International Marketing and Export Management Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICIMSE 2027: Industrial, Manufacturing and Systems Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICIS 2027: Immunological Studies Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICIWM 2027: Islamic Wealth Management Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICLHD 2027: Lung Health and Diseases Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICLMCR 2027: Laboratory Medicine and Clinical Research Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICLMLS 2027: Luminescent Materials and Luminescence Science Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICLTM 2027: Leisure and Tourism Marketing Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMAFS 2027: Multifunctional Agriculture and Food Security Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMAME 2027: Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMAT 2027: Marine Antifouling Technologies Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMBGT 2027: Molecular Biotechnology and Gene Therapy Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMCM 2027: Mass Communication and Media Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMCSSE 2027: Mathematical, Computational and Statistical Sciences and Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICME 2027: Municipal Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMEM 2027: Mathematics, Economics and Management Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMEMT 2027: Mining Engineering and Metallurgical Technology Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMETA 2027: Mechanical Engineering : Theory and Application Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMFF 2027: Mechanics of Fatigue and Fracture Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMHCL 2027: Material Handling, Constructions and Logistics Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMI 2027: Microbiology and Immunology Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMICE 2027: Modelling, Identification and Control Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMIE 2027: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMIISP 2027: Medical Imaging, Image and Signal Processing Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMIME 2027: Mechanical, Industrial and Materials Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMIMT 2027: Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Technology Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMLG 2027: Management Leadership and Governance Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMMA 2027: Microscopic and Macroscopic Anatomy Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMME 2027: Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMMF 2027: Management, Marketing and Finances Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMMM 2027: Machining and Machinability of Materials Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMMME 2027: Mechanical, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMMP 2027: Materials and Materials Processing Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMMPE 2027: Materials, Minerals and Polymer Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMMSE 2027: Metallurgy, Materials Science and Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMNS 2027: Mathematical Networks and Systems Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMOIME 2027: Manufacturing, Optimization, Industrial and Material Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMOS 2027: Modelling, Optimization and Simulation Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMPAM 2027: Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMPE 2027: Mechanical and Production Engineering Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMPG 2027: Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMPMT 2027: Marketing, Product Management and Technology Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMPS 2027: Mathematics, Physics and Statistics Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMRM 2027: Migration and Residential Mobility Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMS 2027: Modelling and Simulation Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMSMC 2027: Media Studies and Media Culture Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMSMM 2027: Materials Science, Metals and Manufacturing Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMSOM 2027: Management Science and Operations Management Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICMWC 2027: Mobile and Wireless Communications Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
- ICN 2027: Nanotechnology Conference, Venice (Aug 12-13, 2027)
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