Conferences in New York
December 09-10, 2027
- ICEEE 2027: Ecological and Environmental Engineering Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICEHT 2027: Engineering Heat Transfer Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICEID 2027: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Development Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICEIS 2027: Education and Information Sciences Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICELL 2027: English Language and Linguistics Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICELP 2027: Entertainment Law and Policy Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICEM 2027: Engineering Management Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICEMDS 2027: Electric Machines and Drive Systems Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICEMDT 2027: Education Media Design and Technology Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICEME 2027: Electrical and Mechatronics Engineering Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICEMSD 2027: Experimental Materials Science and Design Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICEPS 2027: Education and Psychological Sciences Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICES 2027: Educational Sciences Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICESS 2027: Energy Sources and Sustainability Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICESSE 2027: Earth and Space Sciences and Engineering Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICET 2027: Educational Technology Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICETLI 2027: Educational Technology and Learning Innovation Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICFA 2027: Fashion Accessories Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICFE 2027: Financial Engineering Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICFRC 2027: Free Radical Chemistry Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICFRFP 2027: Food Rheology and Food Processing Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICGESB 2027: Genome Engineering and Synthetic Biology Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICGGGE 2027: Geoenvironmental, Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICGISTM 2027: Geographic Information System Techniques and Modeling Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICHM 2027: Hydrology and Meteorology Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICHMHM 2027: Hospitality Management and Hospitality Marketing Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICHMME 2027: Hospitality Management, Marketing and Economics Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICHP 2027: Hadron Physics Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICHPVV 2027: HPV Vaccines Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICHRICL 2027: Human Rights and International Criminal Law Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICHRIL 2027: Human Rights and Immigration Law Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICHSME 2027: Healthcare Simulation and Medical Education Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICHWE 2027: Hydraulics in Water Engineering Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICIAI 2027: Image Analysis and Interpretation Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICICTS 2027: Information Communication Technology and Society Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICIEA 2027: Industrial Engineering and Automation Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICIEAOR 2027: Industrial Engineering and Applied Operations Research Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICIESE 2027: Industrial Electronics and Systems Engineering Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICIET 2027: Imaging Engineering and Technology Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICIIC 2027: Islam and Islamic Culture Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICIIP 2027: Intelligent Information Processing Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICILLS 2027: Italian Language and Literature Studies Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICIRP 2027: Immigration and Refugee Policy Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICISP 2027: Islamic Studies and Philosophy Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICITE 2027: Information Technology and Engineering Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICJPK 2027: Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICKMKE 2027: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Economy Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICKSE 2027: Knowledge and Software Engineering Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICLCL 2027: Language and Corpus Linguistics Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICLLL 2027: Language, Linguistics and Literature Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICLTER 2027: Learning, Teaching and Educational Research Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICM 2027: Midwifery Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICMBD 2027: Mental and Behavioral Disorders Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICMBEF 2027: Management, Business, Economics and Finance Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICMCS 2027: Medical and Clinical Sciences Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICMEAM 2027: Manufacturing Engineering and Additive Manufacturing Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICMHT 2027: Mental Health and Treatment Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICMIM 2027: Mechatronics and Intelligent Manufacturing Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICMIPA 2027: Medical Information Processing and Analysis Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICMISC 2027: Medical Image and Signal Computing Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICMMT 2027: Microelectronics and Microsystems Technology Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICMNP 2027: Microelectronics, Nanoelectronics and Photonics Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICMON 2027: Microelectronics, Optoelectronics and Nanoelectronic Engineering Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICMPA 2027: Molecular Physics and Astrophysics Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICMPM 2027: Muslim Philosophers and Mysticism Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICMPMH 2027: Medicinal Plants and Medical Herbalism Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICMSPE 2027: Materials Science and Polymer Engineering Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICNBA 2027: Nature-Based Architecture Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICNNE 2027: Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology in Energy Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICNOP 2027: Nanotechnology, Optoelectronics and Photonics Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICNP 2027: Nuclear Physics Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICNPRE 2027: Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICNPS 2027: Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICNQD 2027: Nonlinear Quantum Dynamics Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICNRNS 2027: Neurology Research and Neurological Sciences Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICOB 2027: Ophthalmology and Blindness Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICOCD 2027: Ophthalmology and Corneal Diseases Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICOM 2027: Ontology and Metaontology Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICOO 2027: Clinical Ophthalmology and Optometry Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICOOS 2027: Oncology and Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICOP 2027: Optics and Photonics Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICOS 2027: Orthopaedic Surgery Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICP 2027: Photonics Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICPDCS 2027: Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICPDO 2027: Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICPE 2027: Precision Engineering Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICPIG 2027: Political Islam and Governance Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICPMIM 2027: Preventive Medicine and Integrative Medicine Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICPMMA 2027: Polymeric Materials and Material Analysis Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICPOB 2027: Psychology and Organizational Behavior Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICPOQE 2027: Photonics, Optoelectronics and Quantum Electronics Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICPP 2027: Plasma Physics Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICPRCV 2027: Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICPRM 2027: Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICPS 2027: Probability and Statistics Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICPSE 2027: Pharmaceutical Science and Engineering Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICPSP 2027: Plant Science and Physiology Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICPTRS 2027: Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICQBSOGI 2027: Queer Bioethics, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
- ICQIC 2027: Quantum Information and Computation Conference, New York (Dec 09-10, 2027)
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