Conferences in Istanbul
January 28-29, 2027
- ICA 2027: Aeromechanics Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAABE 2027: Advanced Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAABS 2027: Ancient Architecture and Building Styles Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAAG 2027: Advanced and Applied Geomechanics Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAAMS 2027: Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAAS 2027: Advances in Atmospheric Sciences Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAB 2027: Advances in Biology Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICABBBE 2027: Agricultural, Biotechnology, Biological and Biosystems Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICABCE 2027: Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICABMA 2027: Account-Based Marketing Applications Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICACAC 2027: Advances in Chemistry and Applied Chemistry Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICACAD 2027: Architectural Computation and Architectural Design Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICACE 2027: Advances in Civil Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICACECH 2027: Architectural Conservation, Engineering and Cultural Heritage Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICACECI 2027: Advances in Computing, Electronics, Communications and Informatics Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICACME 2027: Advances in Construction Materials Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICADDD 2027: African Diaspora for Democracy and Development Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICADME 2027: Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICADRM 2027: Academic Disciplines and Research Methodology Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAE 2027: Agricultural Economics Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAEBM 2027: Applied Economics, Business and Management Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAFM 2027: Accounting and Financial Management Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAGSS 2027: Advanced Geotechnical Systems and Structures Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAINN 2027: Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAIT 2027: Artificial Intelligence and Technology Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICALAHE 2027: Academic Learning and Administration in Higher Education Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICALS 2027: Agriculture and Life Sciences Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAM 2027: Advanced Materials Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAMAME 2027: Aerospace, Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAME 2027: Automotive and Mechanical Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAMEM 2027: Applied Mathematics and Engineering Mathematics Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAMF 2027: Accounting and Managerial Finance Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAMM 2027: Additive Manufacturing and Mechatronics Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAMMP 2027: Advanced in Materials and Manufacturing Processes Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAMOP 2027: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICANNS 2027: Artificial Neural Networks Systems Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAOS 2027: Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAP 2027: Advances in Photobiology Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAPBS 2027: Applied Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAPRS 2027: Advanced Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAQM 2027: Advanced Quantum Mechanics Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICARMCI 2027: Agricultural Risk Management and Crop Insurance Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICASP 2027: Astronomy and Space Physics Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICASRP 2027: Atomic Spectroscopy and Reactor Physics Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICASSP 2027: Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICATI 2027: Advanced Teaching Instructions Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICATSD 2027: Accessible Tourism and Sustainable Development Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAUCM 2027: Advances in Urban Construction Management Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICAVS 2027: Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICB 2027: Biology Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBAU 2027: Building, Architecture and Urbanism Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBB 2027: Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBBE 2027: Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBBF 2027: Business, Banking and Finance Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBCBBE 2027: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedical Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBCM 2027: Business and Commerce Management Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBCMB 2027: Bioinformatics and Computational Molecular Biology Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBCPM 2027: Business Continuity Planning and Management Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBCSE 2027: Biological and Chemical Systems Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBEA 2027: Business and Economic Analysis Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBEB 2027: Biochemical Engineering and Bioengineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBEE 2027: Biological and Ecological Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBEESE 2027: Biological, Ecological and Environmental Sciences, and Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBEFSM 2027: Business, Economics, Financial Sciences and Management Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBEIT 2027: Business, Economics and Information Technology Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBEM 2027: Biomass Energy and Materials Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBEMM 2027: Business, Economics, Management and Marketing Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBG 2027: e-Business and e-Government Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBM 2027: Biomechanics Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBME 2027: Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBS 2027: Ballistics Studies Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBSDA 2027: Business Systems Design and Analysis Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBSE 2027: Biomedical Science and Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICBSO 2027: Biomedical Sciences and Oncology Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICC 2027: Chemistry Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCAM 2027: Computer and Applied Mathematics Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCARVE 2027: Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCB 2027: Computational Biomechanics Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCBE 2027: Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCCCT 2027: Cement, Concrete and Construction Technology Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCCGE 2027: Civil, Construction and Geological Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCDCEC 2027: Customer Dynamics and Customer Experience Creation Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCEA 2027: Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCEAM 2027: Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCEE 2027: Chemical and Environmental Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCEM 2027: Construction Engineering and Management Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCET 2027: Concrete Engineering and Technology Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCGIP 2027: Computer Graphics and Image Processing Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCGMAT 2027: Computer Games, Multimedia and Allied Technology Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCGV 2027: Computer Graphics and Vision Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCHA 2027: Cardiology and Human Anatomy Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCIE 2027: Computer and Information Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCIET 2027: Computer, Information and Education Technology Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCIL 2027: Creativity and Innovation Leadership Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCIT 2027: Computing and Information Technology Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCITE 2027: Computers and Information Technology in Education Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCMAS 2027: Computational Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCMB 2027: Cellular and Molecular Biology Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCME 2027: Chemical and Molecular Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
- ICCMS 2027: Computational Management Science Conference, Istanbul (Jan 28-29, 2027)
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