Conferences in Istanbul
June 26-27, 2025
- ICEEB 2025: Ecology and Environmental Biology Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICEES 2025: Earthquake Engineering and Seismology Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICEET 2025: Civil, Environmental Engineering and Technology Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICEG 2025: e-Government Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICEH 2025: Elderly Healthcare Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICEIBA 2025: Economics, Innovation and Business Administration Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICEIBM 2025: Economics, Industrial and Business Management Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICEISE 2025: Education and Instructional Systems Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICEL 2025: e-Learning Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICELDL 2025: E-Learning and Distance Learning Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICELET 2025: e-Learning and e-Teaching Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICELS 2025: Education and Learning Sciences Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICEM 2025: Energetic Materials Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICEMBIT 2025: Economics, Management of Business, Innovation and Technology Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICEMM 2025: Economy, Management and Marketing Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICEMP 2025: Experimental and Molecular Pathology Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICEMPE 2025: Electrical Machines and Power Electronics Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICEMT 2025: Electrical Machines and Transformers Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICENS 2025: Engineering and Natural Sciences Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICEORS 2025: Econometrics, Operations Research and Statistics Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICEP 2025: Environment Protection Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICEPE 2025: Electrical and Power Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICEPES 2025: Electrical Power and Energy Systems Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICEPMP 2025: Educational Policy Making and Planning Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICERDCES 2025: Earthquake Resistant Design for Civil Engineering Structures Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICES 2025: Educational Sciences Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICES 2025: Energy Systems Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICESA 2025: Environmental Science and Applications Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICESD 2025: Economic and Social Development Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICESE 2025: Environmental Sciences and Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICFA 2025: Fisheries and Aquaculture Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICFADAA 2025: Fine Arts, Design and Architecture Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICFAS 2025: Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICFBI 2025: Finance, Banking and Insurance Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICFBR 2025: Forest Biodiversity and Research Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICFCAR 2025: Factory Control, Automation and Robotics Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICFDT 2025: Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICFE 2025: Nutrition and Food Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICFEME 2025: Formal Engineering Methods and Applications Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICFLA 2025: Fuzzy Logic and Applications Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICFMHTT 2025: Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICFMLS 2025: Flexible Manufacturing and Lean Systems Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICFMLT 2025: Farm Management and Livestock Technologies Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICFMTE 2025: Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICFR 2025: Fungal Research Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICFS 2025: Forensic Sciences Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICFSAS 2025: Flight Safety and Aviation Security Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICFSN 2025: Food Science and Nutrition Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICGCBG 2025: Gastrointestinal Cancer Biology and Genomics Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICGCGC 2025: Geopolymer Cement and Geopolymer Concrete Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICGCP 2025: Global and Comparative Politics Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICGE 2025: Green Energy Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICGEC 2025: Gastroenterology, Endoscopy and Colonoscopy Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICGEE 2025: Green Energy and Environment Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICGES 2025: Geological and Earth Sciences Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICGFAT 2025: Gender, Feminism, Art and Technology Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICGG 2025: Geology and Geophysics Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICGIS 2025: Green Infrastructure Strategy Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICGIUR 2025: Green Infrastructure for Urban Resiliency Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICGIUSM 2025: Green Infrastructure for Urban Stormwater Management Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICGNS 2025: Gerontologic Nursing Studies Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICGS 2025: Gastronomy Studies Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICGSDS 2025: Gender, Sexuality and Diversity Studies Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICGUB 2025: Green Urbanism and Buildings Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICH 2025: Hematology Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHA 2025: Hospitality Accounting Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHAA 2025: Healthy and Active Aging Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHASS 2025: Humanities, Administrative and Social Sciences Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHCTHE 2025: Heritage, Cultural Tourism and Heritage Education Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHE 2025: Higher Education Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHE 2025: Hydrogen Energy Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHENP 2025: High Energy and Nuclear Physics Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHEP 2025: High Energy Physics Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHFEE 2025: Human Factors Engineering and Ergonomics Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHG 2025: Human Genetics Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHGPIDS 2025: Human Geography, Planning and International Development Studies Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHPHPL 2025: Health Politics, Healthcare Policy and Law Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHPMPF 2025: Health Policy, Management, Planning and Financing Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHRE 2025: Human Reproduction and Embryology Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHSM 2025: Heritage Site Management Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHSNM 2025: Health Sciences, Nursing and Midwifery Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHSPS 2025: Humanities, Social and Political Sciences Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHST 2025: Hospitality Studies and Tourism Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHT 2025: Heritage Tourism Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHTCHM 2025: Heritage Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHTCHP 2025: Heritage Tourism, Cultural Heritage and Preservation Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICHTMM 2025: Hospitality, Tourism Marketing and Management Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICI 2025: Immunology Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICIA 2025: Informatics and Applications Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICIBE 2025: Industrial and Business Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICIBFC 2025: Islamic Banking, Finance and Commerce Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICICS 2025: Information and Computer Sciences Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICICT 2025: Information and Computer Technology Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICIE 2025: Industrial Ecology Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICIEES 2025: Instructions and Effective Education Strategies Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICIFE 2025: Information and Financial Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICIKT 2025: Information and Knowledge Technology Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICIM 2025: Information and Management Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICIME 2025: Industrial and Mechanical Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
- ICIMSE 2025: Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Jun 26-27, 2025)
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