Conferences in London
June 28-29, 2027
- ICFNT 2027: Food and Nutrition Technology Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICFPT 2027: Food Processing and Technology Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICFRMP 2027: Flood Risk Management and Protection Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICFS 2027: Forensic Sciences Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICFSN 2027: Food Science and Nutrition Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICGEG 2027: Geosciences and Environmental Geology Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICGSE 2027: Geological Sciences and Engineering Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICGUB 2027: Green Urbanism and Buildings Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICHE 2027: Health Economics Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICHGGS 2027: Human Geography and Geographical Sciences Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICHGUE 2027: Human Geography and Urban Environments Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICHN 2027: Dietetics and Human Nutrition Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICICLCJ 2027: International Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICIFE 2027: Information and Financial Engineering Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICIKT 2027: Information and Knowledge Technology Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICIME 2027: Industrial and Mechanical Engineering Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICIOP 2027: Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICIPLP 2027: Intellectual Property Law and Practice Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICIPO 2027: International Political Order Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICIRD 2027: Innovation and Regional Development Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICISE 2027: Insect Science and Entomology Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICITGA 2027: Information Technology, E-Government and Applications Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICIWRMP 2027: Integrated Water Resources Management and Planning Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICJSILE 2027: Justice System, Investigation and Law Enforcement Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICKESS 2027: Kinesiology, Exercise and Sport Sciences Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICLDET 2027: Lasers in Dentistry and Endodontic Therapy Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICLLOT 2027: Linguistics, Language Origins and Theories Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICLMFS 2027: Legal Medicine and Forensic Science Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICLPJ 2027: Law, Policing and Justice Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICMAP 2027: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICMCSSE 2027: Mathematical, Computational and Statistical Sciences and Engineering Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICMEFB 2027: Management, Economics, Finance and Business Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICMFA 2027: Michel Foucault and Archaeology Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICMIE 2027: Marketing and Internet Economics Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICMISE 2027: Machine Intelligence and Systems Engineering Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICMLC 2027: Machine Learning and Cybernetics Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICMLPR 2027: Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICMR 2027: Mechatronics and Robotics Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICMS 2027: Mathematical Sciences Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICMSAPC 2027: Materials Science, Applied Physics and Chemistry Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICMSE 2027: Marine Science and Engineering Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICMSO 2027: Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICMT 2027: Maritime Transport Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICMTFLTAL 2027: Modern Trends in Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICNBA 2027: Nutritional Biochemistry and Applications Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICNC 2027: Nuclear Chemistry Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICNCN 2027: Neuroinformatics and Computational Neuroscience Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICNF 2027: Nitrogen Fixation Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICNIT 2027: Nursing Informatics and Technology Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICNP 2027: Natural Products Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICNT 2027: Nephrology and Therapeutics Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICOEE 2027: Ophthalmology: Exotropia and Esotropia Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICOMEH 2027: Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICOSID 2027: Orthodontic Supplies, Implants and Dentures Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICP 2027: Phytopathology Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICPB 2027: Psycholinguistics and Bilingualism Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICPBS 2027: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICPCA 2027: Photonic Crystals and Applications Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICPCE 2027: Power and Control Engineering Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICPDDR 2027: Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Research Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICPEPO 2027: Political Ethics and Policy Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICPESE 2027: Power and Energy Systems Engineering Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICPESS 2027: Physical Education and Sport Science Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICPET 2027: Petroleum Engineering and Technology Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICPGG 2027: Petroleum Geology and Geoscience Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICPNGE 2027: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICPP 2027: Psychology and Psychiatry Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICPPE 2027: Power and Propulsion Engineering Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICPPM 2027: People, Politics and Media Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICPPW 2027: Positive Psychology and Wellbeing Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICPRCV 2027: Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICPRMA 2027: Pattern Recognition Methods and Applications Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICPS 2027: Psychological Sciences Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICPSH 2027: Psychology and Social Harmony Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICPT 2027: Power Transmissions Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICQMFE 2027: Quantitative Methods in Finance and Economics Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICQQE 2027: Qualitative and Quantitative Economics Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICRBMP 2027: River Basin Management and Planning Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICRDM 2027: Radiation Detection and Measurement Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICRED 2027: Rural Electrification and Development Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICREUE 2027: Real Estate and Urban Economics Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICRME 2027: Robotics and Mechanical Engineering Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICRSSE 2027: Reliability, Safety and Security Engineering Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICSAEF 2027: Sustainable Agriculture, Environment and Forestry Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICSAGA 2027: Sustainable Aviation and Green Aircraft Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICSBR 2027: Cognitive Science and Brain Research Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICSC 2027: Sustainable Communities Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICSCE 2027: Software and Computer Engineering Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICSGS 2027: Sociology of Gender and Society Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICSIC 2027: Social Inequality and Class Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICSIP 2027: Signal and Image Processing Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICSMO 2027: Systems Modeling and Optimization Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICSNIUC 2027: Sensor Networks, Information, and Ubiquitous Computing Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICSSC 2027: Satellite and Space Communications Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICSUDIUCP 2027: Sustainable Urban Design, Intelligent Urbanism and City Planning Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICTDC 2027: Telecommunications and Data Communications Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICTERM 2027: Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICUHMM 2027: Urban Hydrology, Modeling and Management Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
- ICWMCS 2027: Wireless and Mobile Communication Systems Conference, London (Jun 28-29, 2027)
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