Conferences in Venice
June 21-22, 2027
- COMPUTE 2027: Computers and Computation Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAA 2027: Aeronautics and Astronautics Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAAMS 2027: Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAAPMS 2027: Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAB 2027: Algal Biotechnology Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICACAS 2027: Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICACE 2027: Advances in Civil Engineering Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICACET 2027: Advances in Computer Engineering and Technology Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICACM 2027: Applied and Computational Mathematics Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICACW 2027: Animal Care and Welfare Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICADA 2027: Antimicrobial Drugs and Agents Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICADAR 2027: Antimicrobial Drugs and Antibiotic Resistance Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICADATA 2027: Antimicrobial Drugs and Antimicrobial Therapy Antibiotics Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICADPC 2027: Advances in Distributed and Parallel Computing Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAE 2027: Agricultural Engineering Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAEM 2027: Applied and Engineering Mathematics Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAERP 2027: Agricultural Economics and Rural Policies Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAFE 2027: Agricultural and Food Engineering Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAFM 2027: Advances in Fluid Mechanics Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAFUS 2027: Agriculture, Food and Urbanizing Society Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAGGHR 2027: Anti-Corruption, Good Governance and Human Rights Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAHM 2027: Art History and Museums Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAHT 2027: Architectural History and Theory Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAICS 2027: Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAIS 2027: Arabic and Islamic Studies Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAISC 2027: Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAIT 2027: Artificial Intelligence and Technology Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAMA 2027: Aircraft Materials and Analysis Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAMAME 2027: Aerospace, Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAMCS 2027: Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAME 2027: Advances in Mathematical Education Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAPS 2027: Asian and Pacific Studies Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICARM 2027: Automation, Robotics and Mechatronics Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICASBE 2027: Architecture and Sustainable Built Environment Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICASBS 2027: Architecture and Sustainable Building Systems Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICASMA 2027: Applied Simulation, Modelling and Analysis Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAVNCE 2027: Acoustics, Vibration and Noise Control Engineering Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICAWH 2027: Abortions and Womens Health Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICBBE 2027: Biochemical and Biomedical Engineering Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICBBMB 2027: Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICBBN 2027: Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Nanoengineering Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICBCBBE 2027: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedical Engineering Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICBCSB 2027: Bioinformatics, Computational and Systems Biology Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICBE 2027: Bioengineering Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICBEDA 2027: Biomedical Electronics, Devices and Applications Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICBEMM 2027: Business, Economics, Marketing and Management Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICBEWL 2027: Business Education and Workplace Learning Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICBI 2027: Bioinformatics Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICBISSM 2027: Business, Information, Service Science and Management Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICBM 2027: Biomechanics Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICBN 2027: Biotechnology and Nanotechnology Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICBPS 2027: Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICBSE 2027: Building Science and Engineering Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICBT 2027: Biotechnology Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICCA 2027: Computer Applications Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICCBE 2027: Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICCBEA 2027: Chemical, Biomolecular Engineering and Applications Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICCBR 2027: Case-Based Reasoning Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICCCE 2027: Computer and Control Engineering Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICCCI 2027: Computing, Communications and Informatics Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICCEB 2027: Climate, Environment and Biosciences Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICCEBE 2027: Chemical, Environmental and Biological Engineering Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICCEEE 2027: Chemical, Ecological and Environmental Engineering Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICCEM 2027: Civil Engineering and Mechanics Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICCENHM 2027: Civil Engineering and Natural Hazard Management Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICCEPS 2027: Chemical Engineering and Physical Sciences Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICCMFDEM 2027: Condition Monitoring, and Fault Diagnosis in Electrical Machines Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICCMM 2027: Contemporary Marketing and Management Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICCR 2027: Cardiac Rehabilitation Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICCSDAP 2027: Control System Design and Automation Process Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICCSMLA 2027: Computer Science, Machine Learning and Analytics Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICCSSE 2027: Computer Science and Software Engineering Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICCTE 2027: Civil and Transport Engineering Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICCV 2027: Computational Vision Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICDA 2027: Digital Arts Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICDAA 2027: Discourse Analysis and Applications Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICDCS 2027: Dependability and Complex Systems Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICDDT 2027: Diabetic Disorders and Treatment Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICDH 2027: Dental Hygiene Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICDIM 2027: Digital Information Management Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICDS 2027: Discourse Studies Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICEAS 2027: English and American Studies Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICEBESE 2027: Environmental, Biological, Ecological Sciences and Engineering Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICEDT 2027: Environmental Degradation and Technology Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICEES 2027: European and Eurasian Studies Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICEG 2027: Economic Geography Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICEIS 2027: Education and Information Sciences Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICEME 2027: Energy and Mining Engineering Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICEMIS 2027: Economics and Management Information Systems Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICEMM 2027: Economy, Management and Marketing Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICENE 2027: Electrical and Nuclear Engineering Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICENR 2027: Environment and Natural Resources Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICEPE 2027: Electrical and Power Engineering Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICEQIS 2027: Engineering and Quantum Information Sciences Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICESET 2027: Energy Systems Engineering and Technology Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICESM 2027: Energy Systems and Management Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICESPE 2027: Economic Sociology and Political Economy Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICETE 2027: Education, Teaching and E-learning Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICEWM 2027: Environment and Waste Management Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
- ICFDI 2027: Food Design and Innovation Conference, Venice (Jun 21-22, 2027)
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