Conferences in Paris
March 29-30, 2027
- ICER 2027: Educational Robotics Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICERALLTL 2027: Ethnographic Research in Applied Linguistics: Language Teaching and Learning Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICERTCS 2027: Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICESA 2027: Energy Studies and Analysis Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICESB 2027: Electrochemical Sensors and Biosensors Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICESE 2027: Environmental Sciences and Engineering Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICETEM 2027: Entertainment Tourism and Event Management Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICEV 2027: Education and Values Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICFDT 2027: Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICFF 2027: Fatigue and Fracture Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICFGA 2027: Fractal Geometry and Analysis Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICFMHTT 2027: Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICFMTE 2027: Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Engineering Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICFTQC 2027: Food Technology and Quality Control Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICGB 2027: Green Building Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICGBM 2027: Gastrointestinal Bleeding Management Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICGE 2027: Geomatics Engineering Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICGESB 2027: Genome Engineering and Synthetic Biology Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICGG 2027: Geology and Geochemistry Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICGL 2027: German Language Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICGTMS 2027: Game Theory in Management Science Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICH 2027: Healthcare Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICHC 2027: Human Communication Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICHLD 2027: Hepatology and Liver Disease Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICHMMHCB 2027: Hospitality Marketing Management and Hospitality Consumer Behavior Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICHSB 2027: Health, Sport and Bioscience Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICIBE 2027: Industrial and Business Engineering Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICICT 2027: Information and Communications Technologies Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICIDS 2027: Internet and Digital Sociology Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICIFE 2027: Information and Financial Engineering Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICIKT 2027: Information and Knowledge Technology Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICIME 2027: Industrial and Mechanical Engineering Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICIMSE 2027: Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICIMT 2027: Innovation, Management and Technology Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICIPACV 2027: Image Processing, Analysis and Computer Vision Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICIPE 2027: Industrial and Production Engineering Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICIS 2027: Immunological Studies Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICISC 2027: Information Security and Cryptography Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICISE 2027: Information and Systems Engineering Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICITMT 2027: Innovative Teaching Methods and Technology Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICKHS 2027: Kinesiology and Health Studies Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICLP 2027: Lightning Protection Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICM 2027: Mathematics Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMA 2027: Multimedia and Applications Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMBB 2027: Marine Bioresources and Bioprocessing Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMBE 2027: Medical and Biomedical Engineering Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMCB 2027: Mathematical and Computational Biology Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMCC 2027: Mathematical and Computational Chemistry Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMCMP 2027: Mathematical and Computational Methods in Physics Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMEAM 2027: Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMEHSS 2027: Management, Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMEM 2027: Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMET 2027: Manufacturing Engineering and Technology Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMGE 2027: Coastal and Marine Geotechnical Engineering Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMIME 2027: Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMISE 2027: Machine Intelligence and Systems Engineering Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMMAC 2027: Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and Computation Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMMASE 2027: Mathematical Methods and Applications in Science and Engineering Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMMME 2027: Mechanical, Mechatronics and Materials Engineering Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMMR 2027: Mobile Marketing and Research Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMMT 2027: Materials, Machines and Technologies Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMPA 2027: Mathematical Physics and Applications Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMS 2027: Modeling and Simulation Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMSC 2027: Materials Synthesis and Characterization Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMSE 2027: Magnetism and Spin Electronics Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMSEA 2027: Mathematical Sciences, Engineering and Applications Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMSEM 2027: Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Management Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMSMS 2027: Material Strength and Materials Science Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMSR 2027: Mammography Screening and Radiology Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMSS 2027: Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMSSE 2027: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMT 2027: Military Technology Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICMTNTSD 2027: Maritime Transport, Network and Transportation System Design Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICN 2027: Nanomedicine Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICNL 2027: Natural Law Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICNLNR 2027: Natural Law and Natural Rights Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICNMNF 2027: Nuclear Materials and Nuclear Fuels Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICNMP 2027: Nonlinear Mathematical Physics Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICNN 2027: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICNR 2027: Neuroimaging and Radiology Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICNSS 2027: National Security Studies Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICODEDS 2027: Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICOFS 2027: Optical Fiber Sensors Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICOGPE 2027: Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Engineering Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICOHVS 2027: One Health and Veterinary Science Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICOMPPP 2027: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology in Pediatric Patients Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICONI 2027: Old and New Institutionalism Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICOR 2027: Operations Research Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICOT 2027: Occupational Therapy Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICP 2027: Physics Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICPAD 2027: Performing Arts and Dance Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICPBS 2027: Psychological and Behavioral Sciences Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICPC 2027: Psychotherapy and Counseling Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICPDSSE 2027: Parallel, Distributed Systems and Software Engineering Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICPE 2027: Pavement Engineering Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICPET 2027: Power Engineering and Technology Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICPHMT 2027: Public Health and Medical Technology Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICPM 2027: Parasitology and Microbiology Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICPOC 2027: Polymers and Organic Chemistry Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
- ICPP 2027: Parallel Processing Conference, Paris (Mar 29-30, 2027)
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