Conferences in Singapore
November 18-19, 2027
- ICGPE 2027: Geosciences and Petroleum Engineering Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICGS 2027: Geological Sciences Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICHCE 2027: Human and Computer Engineering Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICHEP 2027: High Energy Physics Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICHEV 2027: Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICHGS 2027: Holocaust and Genocide Studies Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICHP 2027: Hydraulics and Pneumatics Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICHRSOGI 2027: Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICHSB 2027: Health, Sport and Bioscience Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICHSPEFO 2027: Health Systems Policy, Economics, Finance and Organization Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICHTA 2027: Heat Transfer and Applications Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICIAD 2027: Interior Architecture and Design Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICICE 2027: Information and Communication Engineering Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICIEDA 2027: Industrial Engineering Design and Analysis Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICIEEM 2027: Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICIEMT 2027: Innovation, Engineering Management and Technology Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICIEOM 2027: Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICIESM 2027: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICIET 2027: Imaging Engineering and Technology Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICIHT 2027: Information, Hospitality and Tourism Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICIIS 2027: Intelligent Information Systems Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICIMR 2027: Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICIOP 2027: Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICIS 2027: Intelligent Systems Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICISCS 2027: Interdisciplinary Social and Cultural Sciences Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICISP 2027: Imaging and Signal Processing Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICIT 2027: Industrial Technology Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICITE 2027: Information Technology and Engineering Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICITS 2027: Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICIVA 2027: Intelligent Vehicles and Applications Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICKES 2027: Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICKMIM 2027: Knowledge and Innovation Management Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICKSE 2027: Knowledge and Software Engineering Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICLDSSM 2027: Land Degradation and Sustainable Soil Management Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICLEMC 2027: Language Endangerment: Methodologies and Challenges Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICLFLHE 2027: Language Futures: Languages in Higher Education Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICLG 2027: Local Government Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICLL 2027: Language Learning Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICLLL 2027: Languages, Literature and Linguistics Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICLM 2027: Leadership and Management Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICLMED 2027: Land Management and Economic Development Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICLPQO 2027: Laser Physics and Quantum Optics Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMAA 2027: Mathematics in Art and Architecture Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMAGT 2027: Mathematical Analysis and Graph Theory Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMBC 2027: Marine Biodiversity and Conservation Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMBEF 2027: Management, Business, Economics and Finance Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMBM 2027: Molecular Biology and Microbiology Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMCSSE 2027: Mathematical, Computational and Statistical Sciences and Engineering Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICME 2027: Management Engineering Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMEDA 2027: Mechanical Engineering Design and Analysis Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMEM 2027: Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMES 2027: Marine and Environmental Systems Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMET 2027: Materials and Engineering Technology Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMIBE 2027: Medical Informatics and Biomedical Engineering Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMISC 2027: Medical Image and Signal Computing Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMMME 2027: Mechanical, Manufacturing and Mechatronics Engineering Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMMNO 2027: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMN 2027: Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMNHMTE 2027: Micro, Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer Engineering Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMNP 2027: Microelectronics, Nanoelectronics and Photonics Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMON 2027: Microelectronics, Optoelectronics and Nanoelectronic Engineering Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMPA 2027: Molecular Physics and Astrophysics Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMS 2027: Music in Society Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMSE 2027: Management and Systems Engineering Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMSSE 2027: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICMTM 2027: Marketing and Tourism Management Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICNB 2027: Nano and Biomaterials Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICNDT 2027: Nutrition and Diet Therapies Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICNDTCE 2027: Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICNOP 2027: Nanotechnology, Optoelectronics and Photonics Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICNP 2027: Nuclear Physics Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICNPRE 2027: Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICNPS 2027: Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICNQD 2027: Nonlinear Quantum Dynamics Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICNQE 2027: Nuclear and Quantum Engineering Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICOMIE 2027: Operations Management and Industrial Engineering Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICOP 2027: Optics and Photonics Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICOPLP 2027: Optoelectronics, Photonics and Laser Physics Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICP 2027: Psychology Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICPB 2027: Proteomics and Bioinformatics Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICPCEBS 2027: Psychology, Cognitive, Education and Behavioral Sciences Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICPER 2027: Production, Energy and Reliability Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICPES 2027: Plant and Environmental Sciences Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICPESS 2027: Physical Education and Sport Science Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICPGES 2027: Planetary Geology and Earth Sciences Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICPOC 2027: Polymers and Organic Chemistry Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICPOP 2027: Persistent Organic Pollutants Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICPOQE 2027: Photonics, Optoelectronics and Quantum Electronics Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICPP 2027: Plasma Physics Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICPSB 2027: Plant Sciences and Biotechnology Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICPSEPT 2027: Photovoltaic Solar Energy and Power Technology Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICPSQH 2027: Patient Safety and Quality Healthcare Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICQIC 2027: Quantum Information and Computation Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICQISET 2027: Quantum Information Science, Engineering and Technology Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICRAM 2027: Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICRI 2027: Regional Integration Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICRIS 2027: Robotics and Intelligent Sensors Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICRS 2027: Remote Sensing Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICRSG 2027: Remote Sensing and Geomorphology Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
- ICSA 2027: Statistics and Analysis Conference, Singapore (Nov 18-19, 2027)
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