Conferences in Paris
October 28-29, 2027
- ICEBMM 2027: Economics, Business and Marketing Management Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEBS 2027: Education and Behavioral Sciences Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEBWE 2027: Energy, Biomass and Waste Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEBWEM 2027: Energy, Biomass, Waste and Environmental Management Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICECE 2027: Environmental and Chemical Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICECECE 2027: Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICECSE 2027: Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICECSP 2027: Electronics, Control and Signal Processing Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEDI 2027: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEE 2027: Electrical Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEEAC 2027: Electrical Engineering and Automation Control Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEEBS 2027: Ecological, Environmental and Biological Sciences Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEECE 2027: Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEEE 2027: Electrical and Electronics Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEEEL 2027: e-Education and e-Learning Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEEESD 2027: Energy, Environment, Ecosystems and Sustainable Development Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEES 2027: Electrochemistry, Electronics and Semiconductors Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEESD 2027: Ecosystems, Environment and Sustainable Development Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEEWM 2027: Environment, Energy and Waste Management Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEFA 2027: Engineering Failure Analysis Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEFM 2027: Economics, Finance and Marketing Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEFP 2027: Energy Forecasting and Planning Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEIS 2027: Engineering and Industrial Sciences Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEISE 2027: Enterprise Information Systems and Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEIT 2027: Education and Information Technology Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICELL 2027: English Language and Linguistics Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICELMACC 2027: Education, Language, Media, Art and Cultural Communication Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEM 2027: Energy Management Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEMA 2027: Engineering Materials and Applications Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEMBIT 2027: Economics, Management of Business, Innovation and Technology Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEMMS 2027: Economics, Marketing and Management Sciences Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEMS 2027: Econometrics and Management Sciences Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEPE 2027: Electronics and Power Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEPR 2027: Environmental Pollution and Remediation Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICES 2027: eSports Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICESCC 2027: Earth Science and Climate Change Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICESD 2027: Environmental Science and Development Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICESE 2027: Energy Science and Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICESMSA 2027: Engineering Systems Modeling, Simulation and Analysis Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICEST 2027: Educational Sciences and Technology Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICFAE 2027: Food and Agricultural Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICFC 2027: Fog Computing Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICFEM 2027: Food Engineering and Management Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICFIE 2027: Fuzzy Information and Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICFLL 2027: French Language and Literature Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICFMA 2027: Fluid Mechanics and Applications Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICFMFA 2027: Fluid Mechanics and Flow Analysis Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICFMS 2027: Food Manufacturing and Safety Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICFP 2027: Feminist Politics Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICFRIR 2027: Flood Recovery, Innovation and Response Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICGE 2027: Geological Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICGEBF 2027: Global Economics, Business and Finance Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICGG 2027: Geography and Geosciences Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICGGE 2027: Geomatics and Geological Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICGIS 2027: Geographic Information Systems Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICGMB 2027: Genetics and Molecular Biology Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICGME 2027: Green Manufacturing Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICGPD 2027: Green Politics and Democracy Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICGPE 2027: Geosciences and Petroleum Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICHCE 2027: Human and Computer Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICHE 2027: Higher Education Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICHEV 2027: Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICHGG 2027: Human Genetics and Genomics Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICHND 2027: Human Nutrition and Dietetics Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICHP 2027: Hydraulics and Pneumatics Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICHRM 2027: Economics and Human Resource Management Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICHSS 2027: Human and Social Sciences Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICHTMM 2027: Hospitality, Tourism Marketing and Management Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICIAP 2027: Image Analysis and Processing Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICICC 2027: Identity, Culture and Communication Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICICE 2027: Information and Communication Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICIE 2027: Industrial Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICIEAIS 2027: Industrial, Engineering and Applied Intelligent Systems Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICIECE 2027: Information, Electronic and Communications Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICIEDA 2027: Industrial Engineering Design and Analysis Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICIEMS 2027: Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICIEOM 2027: Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICIET 2027: Industrial Engineering and Technology Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICIIE 2027: Industrial and Information Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICIIM 2027: Innovation and Information Management Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICIME 2027: Industrial and Management Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICISCS 2027: Image Science and Computer Science Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICISP 2027: Imaging and Signal Processing Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICISS 2027: Information Systems Security Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICIT 2027: Industrial Technology Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICITKE 2027: Innovation, Technology and Knowledge Economy Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICKDDM 2027: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICKES 2027: Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICLACS 2027: Latin American and Caribbean Studies Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICLDSSM 2027: Land Degradation and Sustainable Soil Management Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICLEMC 2027: Language Endangerment: Methodologies and Challenges Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICLFLHE 2027: Language Futures: Languages in Higher Education Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICLL 2027: Language Learning Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICLLL 2027: Languages, Literature and Linguistics Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICLLTL 2027: Linguistics, Language Teaching and Learning Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICLMED 2027: Land Management and Economic Development Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICLS 2027: Law and Society Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICM 2027: Multilingualism Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICMAE 2027: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
- ICMAGT 2027: Mathematical Analysis and Graph Theory Conference, Paris (Oct 28-29, 2027)
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