Conferences in Istanbul
September 27-28, 2027
- ICA 2027: Atheism Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICAAR 2027: Attachment and Adult Relationships Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICAB 2027: Agriculture and Biodiversity Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICABBBE 2027: Agricultural, Biotechnology, Biological and Biosystems Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICABEB 2027: Advanced Biomedical Engineering and Biophotonics Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICACAT 2027: Advances in Composite Aircraft Technology Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICACE 2027: Architectural and Civil Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICACEE 2027: Architectural, Civil and Environmental Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICACHA 2027: Applied Cardiology and Human Anatomy Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICADCM 2027: Architectural Design and Construction Management Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICAFS 2027: Agrotechnology and Food Sciences Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICAHP 2027: Arts, Humanities and Postmodernism Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICAIAE 2027: Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Education Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICAISE 2027: Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICALT 2027: Advanced Learning Technologies Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICAMAME 2027: Aerospace, Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICAMC 2027: Applied Mathematics and Computation Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICAMCS 2027: Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICAMEM 2027: Applied Mathematics and Engineering Mathematics Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICAMF 2027: Accounting and Managerial Finance Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICAMFE 2027: Applied Mathematical Finance and Economics Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICAMFSE 2027: Applied Mathematical Finance, Statistics and Economics Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICAMMS 2027: Analytical Marketing and Marketing Strategies Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICAR 2027: Asiatic Religions Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICARE 2027: Augmented Reality in Education Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICASA 2027: Applied Statistics and Analysis Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICAWH 2027: Abortions and Womens Health Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICBAME 2027: Business Administration, Management and Economics Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICBBB 2027: Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICBBBE 2027: Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Bioprocess Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICBBE 2027: Bioinformatics and Biochemical Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICBC 2027: Biology and Chemistry Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICBCBBE 2027: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedical Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICBDAKD 2027: Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICBE 2027: Bioengineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICBEE 2027: Biological and Environmental Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICBEFSM 2027: Business, Economics, Financial Sciences and Management Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICBEIM 2027: Business, Economics and Innovation Management Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICBEM 2027: Biotechnology and Environmental Management Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICBEST 2027: Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICBFE 2027: Biotechnology and Food Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICBSE 2027: Biochemical Systems Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCAM 2027: Computational and Applied Mathematics Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCB 2027: Chemistry and Biochemistry Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCCSS 2027: Cloud Computing and Services Science Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCE 2027: Communication Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCEAC 2027: Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCEES 2027: Chemical, Ecology and Environmental Sciences Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCEIE 2027: Communication and Electronic Information Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCH 2027: Communication in Healthcare Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCIE 2027: Computer and Information Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCINS 2027: Computer, Information and Network Security Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCIT 2027: Communication and Information Technology Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCITE 2027: Communication and Information Technology and Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCMPSS 2027: Condensed Matter Physics, Semiconductors and Superconductors Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCN 2027: Clinical Nutrition Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCS 2027: Computer Security Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCSCE 2027: Cell and Stem Cell Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCSCN 2027: Communication Systems and Computer Networks Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCSET 2027: Computer Science, Engineering and Technology Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCSM 2027: Computer Science and Mathematics Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCSP 2027: Communications and Signal Processing Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCTE 2027: Critical Theory and Enlightenment Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICCVTA 2027: Computer Vision Theory and Applications Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICDDT 2027: Diabetic Disorders and Treatment Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICDHR 2027: Democracy and Human Rights Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICDIF 2027: Data and Information Fusion Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICDNHM 2027: Dialysis Nursing and Health Management Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICDPCE 2027: Design, Production and Control Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICDT 2027: Diabetes Therapy Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICEACM 2027: Environmental Architecture and Construction Management Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICEAECA 2027: Embodied Agents, Embodied Cognition and Applications Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICEB 2027: Economics and Business Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICEBESE 2027: Environmental, Biological, Ecological Sciences and Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICEBFM 2027: Economics, Business, Finance and Management Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICEBML 2027: e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICECE 2027: Electrical and Communication Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICECECE 2027: Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICEDP 2027: Educational and Developmental Psychology Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICEEE 2027: Environmental and Ecological Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICEEG 2027: Environmental and Engineering Geoscience Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICEERE 2027: Environmental Engineering and Renewable Energy Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICEID 2027: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Development Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICEIM 2027: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICELC 2027: eLogistics Control Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICEM 2027: Economics and Management Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICEME 2027: Electrical and Mechatronics Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICEP 2027: Ethnopharmacology and Pharmacognosy Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICEPP 2027: Environment Pollution and Prevention Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICEPS 2027: Education and Psychological Sciences Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICES 2027: Educational Sciences Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICESE 2027: Environmental Sciences and Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICESS 2027: Education and Social Sciences Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICETS 2027: Energy Technologies and Sustainability Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICFAS 2027: Food and Agricultural Sciences Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICFCG 2027: Fuel Cells and Generators Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICFHN 2027: Food and Human Nutrition Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICFME 2027: Food and Microbial Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICFMS 2027: Film and Media Studies Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
- ICFNS 2027: Food and Nutrition Security Conference, Istanbul (Sep 27-28, 2027)
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