Conferences in Paris
September 20-21, 2027
- ICEL 2027: e-Learning Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICELET 2027: e-Learning and e-Teaching Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICEMA 2027: Electrical Machines and Automation Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICEMPE 2027: Electrical Machines and Power Electronics Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICEORS 2027: Econometrics, Operations Research and Statistics Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICEPS 2027: Education and Psychological Sciences Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICERERS 2027: Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICESD 2027: Economic and Social Development Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICESE 2027: Environmental Sciences and Engineering Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICESS 2027: Evolution and Sexual Selection Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICET 2027: Ecology and Transportation Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICFA 2027: Finance and Accounting Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICFB 2027: Finance and Banking Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICFLM 2027: Feminism and the Labor Movement Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICFMTE 2027: Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Engineering Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICFR 2027: Flood Resilience Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICGE 2027: Geography and Environment Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICGEH 2027: Geoarchaeology and Environmental History Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICGEPHO 2027: Green Exercise and Physical Health Outcomes Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICGOFAI 2027: Good Old-Fashioned Artificial Intelligence Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICGSSW 2027: Geomagnetic Storms and Space Weather Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICHEP 2027: High Energy Physics Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICHERK 2027: Higher Education, Research and Knowledge Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICHL 2027: Hebrew Language Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICHMS 2027: Healthcare and Medical Sciences Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICHPN 2027: Heterogeneous Photocatalytic Nanomaterials Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICHPS 2027: Hydrothermal Processes and Sediments Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICHR 2027: Human Resources Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICHRDM 2027: Human Resources Development and Management Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICHSS 2027: Human and Social Sciences Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICIA 2027: Informatics and Applications Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICIBFI 2027: Islamic Banking, Finance and Investment Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICIBP 2027: Integrative Biology and Pharmacology Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICICT 2027: Information and Computer Technology Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICIIM 2027: Immigration, Integration and Mobility Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICIKM 2027: Information and Knowledge Management Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICIP 2027: Image Processing Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICIRVIHIS 2027: Immune Response to Viral Infection and Human Immune System Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICISDT 2027: Information Systems Design and Technology Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICIT 2027: Information Technology Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICKEED 2027: Kansei Engineering and Ergonomic Design Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICLLL 2027: Language, Literature and Linguistics Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICLPQO 2027: Laser Physics and Quantum Optics Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICM 2027: Multimedia Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICMBE 2027: Molecular Biology and Evolution Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICMMS 2027: Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICMNE 2027: Marine and Naval Engineering Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICMPRPR 2027: Medical Physics, Radiation Protection and Radiobiology Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICMSP 2027: Management, Sociology and Psychology Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICMVRAR 2027: Medical Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICNE 2027: Nuclear Engineering Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICNN 2027: Nanochemistry and Nanoengineering Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICNPA 2027: Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICNPE 2027: Nuclear Power Engineering Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICNPP 2027: Nuclear and Particle Physics Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICNREE 2027: Nuclear and Renewable Energy Engineering Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICNS 2027: Nietzsche Studies Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICOLS 2027: Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICOR 2027: Orthopedics and Rheumatology Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICP 2027: Photochemistry Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICPCPP 2027: Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICPDNS 2027: Poultry Diseases and Nutritional Strategies Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICPFPEPP 2027: Public Finance, Public Economics and Public Policy Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICPIMATS 2027: Pediatrics, Internal Medicine and Advanced Treatment Strategies Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICPP 2027: Pedagogy and Psychology Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICPPAH 2027: Poultry Production and Animal Husbandry Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICPSJ 2027: Police Studies and Justice Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICQAMPP 2027: Quantum, Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICQI 2027: Quantum Information Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICQOQC 2027: Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICRFSB 2027: Risk, Financial Stability and Banking Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICSB 2027: Systems Biology Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICSBB 2027: Soil Biology and Biochemistry Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICSC 2027: Social Conflict Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICSCMS 2027: Social Computing, Modeling and Simulation Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICSDE 2027: Software Design Engineering Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICSMCC 2027: Social Media and Cloud Computing Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICSMHE 2027: Strategic Management in Higher Education Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICSNAM 2027: Social Network Analysis and Mining Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICSSAS 2027: Slope Stability Analysis and Software Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICSSDPD 2027: Sustainable Style Design and Product Development Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICST 2027: Smart Tourism Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICTAM 2027: Textile, Apparel, and Merchandising Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICTDDS 2027: Targeted Drug Delivery System Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICTDMS 2027: Transportation Demand Management Strategies Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICTERMA 2027: Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Applications Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICTRBC 2027: Translational Research in Breast Cancer Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICUC 2027: Urban Climatology Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICUGUP 2027: Urban Geography and Urban Planning Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICUTCL 2027: Urban Transportation and City Logistics Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICVSVN 2027: Vision Science and Visual Neuroscience Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICWERC 2027: Wildlife Ecology, Rehabilitation and Conservation Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICWET 2027: Welding Engineering and Technology Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
- ICWS 2027: Women’s Studies Conference, Paris (Sep 20-21, 2027)
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