The International Research Conference Aims and Objectives
The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation
within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of the presentations.
With its high quality, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers.
International Conference on Industrial Wastewater Treatment
aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of
Industrial Wastewater Treatment.
It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations,
trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Industrial Wastewater Treatment.
Call for Contributions
Prospective authors are kindly encouraged to contribute to and help shape the conference through submissions of their research abstracts, papers and e-posters.
Also, high quality research contributions describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or
theoretical work in all areas of Industrial Wastewater Treatment are cordially invited for presentation at the conference.
The conference solicits contributions of abstracts, papers and e-posters that address themes and topics of the conference, including figures, tables and references of
novel research materials.
Guidelines for Authors
Please ensure your submission meets the conference's strict guidelines for accepting scholarly papers.
Downloadable versions of the check list for
Full-Text Papers and
Abstract Papers.
Please refer to the
Paper Submission Guideline,
Abstract Submission Guideline and
Author Information
before submitting your paper.
Conference Proceedings
All submitted conference papers will be blind peer reviewed by three competent reviewers.
The peer-reviewed conference proceedings are indexed in the Open Science Index,
Google Scholar,
Semantic Scholar,
and other index databases. Impact Factor Indicators.
Special Journal Issues
20. International Conference on Industrial Wastewater Treatment has teamed up with the Special Journal Issue on
Industrial Wastewater Treatment.
A number of selected high-impact full text papers will also be considered for the special journal issues.
All submitted papers will have the opportunity to be considered for this Special Journal Issue.
The paper selection will be carried out during the peer review process as well as at the conference presentation stage.
Submitted papers must not be under consideration by any other journal or publication.
The final decision for paper selection will be made based on peer review reports by the Guest Editors and the Editor-in-Chief jointly.
Selected full-text papers will be published online free of charge.
Conference Sponsor and Exhibitor Opportunities
The Conference offers the opportunity to become a conference sponsor or exhibitor.
To participate as a sponsor or exhibitor, please download and complete the
Conference Sponsorship Request Form.
Selected Papers
Aeration Optimization in an Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Plant Based on CFD Method: A Case Study
Seyed Sina Khamesi, Rana Rafiei
Awareness for Air Pollution Impacts on Lung Cancer in Southern California: A Pilot Study for Designed Smartphone Application
M. Mohammed Raoof, A. Enkhtaivan, H. Aljuaid
Integrated Wastewater Reuse Project of the Faculty of Sciences Ain Chock, Morocco
Nihad Chakri, Btissam El Amrani, Faouzi Berrada, Fouad Amraoui
Harnessing the Potential of Renewable Energy Sources to Reduce Fossil Energy Consumption in the Wastewater Treatment Process
Hen Friman
A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for PM10 Forecasting in Vilnius
M. A. S. Fahim, J. Sužiedelytė Visockienė
Applications for Additive Manufacturing Technology for Reducing the Weight of Body Parts of Gas Turbine Engines
Liubov A. Magerramova, Mikhail A. Petrov, Vladimir V. Isakov, Liana A. Shcherbinina, Suren G. Gukasyan, Daniil V. Povalyukhin, Olga G. Klimova-Korsmik, Darya V. Volosevich
Impact of Urbanization Growth on Disease Spread and Outbreak Response: Exploring Strategies for Enhancing Resilience
Raquel Vianna Duarte Cardoso, Eduarda Lobato Faria, José Jorge Boueri
Drought Resilient Water Supply: Establishment of Groundwater Treatment Plant at Construction Sites in Taichung City
Shang-Hsin Ou, Yang-Chun Lin, Ke-Hao Cheng
A Multilevel Analysis of Predictors of Early Antenatal Care Visits among Women of Reproductive Age in Benin: 2017/2018 Benin Demographic and Health Survey
Ebenezer Kwesi Armah-Ansah, Kenneth Fosu Oteng, Esther Selasi Avinu, Eugene Budu, Edward Kwabena Ameyaw
The Social Dynamics of Pandemics: A Clinical Sociological Analysis of Precautions and Risks
C. Ardil
AI-Based Technologies in International Arbitration: An Exploratory Study on the Practicability of Applying AI Tools on International Arbitration
Annabelle Ogochukwu Onyefulu-Kingston
Innovation and Technologies Synthesis of Various Components: A Contribution to the Precision Irrigation Development for Open-Field Fruit Orchards
P. Chatrabhuti, S. Visessri, T. Charinpanitkul
Hazardous Waste Generated in the Peruvian Textile Industry: Haute Couture, Alpaca Fiber and Tannery
Huiman C. Alberto
Survey of Communication Technologies for IoT Deployments in Developing Regions
Namugenyi Ephrance Eunice, Julianne Sansa Otim, Marco Zennaro, Stephen D. Wolthusen
Analysis of Histogram Asymmetry for Waste Recognition
Janusz Bobulski, Kamila Pasternak
Conference venue information will be released soon.
Environmental engineering
Water supply and treatment
Wastewater treatment
Wastewater treatment technologies
Water reclamation
Water cycle
Phase separation
Sedimentation, filtration and oxidation
Wastewater treatment plants
Tertiary treatment
Industrial wastewater treatment plants
Agricultural wastewater treatment plants
Wastewater management systems
Industrial wastewater
Leachate treatment plants
Solid waste management
Environmental impact assessment and mitigation
Air pollution management
Environmental protection agency
Protecting the environment by reducing waste and pollution
Improving environmental conditions
Technologies and processes that control pollution
Prevent, control and remediate environmental hazards
Waste treatment
Site remediation
Pollution control technology
Environmental laws
Stack scrubbers
Waste management and recycling activities at manufacturing sites and mines
Environmental investigation reports
Air, soil and water quality
Energy economy
Developing systems
Electric power
Systems for waste management, reclamation, transfer and disposal on land, sea and air
Effects of acid rain, global warming, ozone depletion, water pollution and air pollution from automobile exhausts and industrial sources
Public health and environmental engineering law
Waste hierarchy
Life-cycle of a product
Resource efficiency
Polluter pays principle
Adverse effects of waste on health the environment and aesthetics
Waste handling practices
Financial models
Disposal solutions
Resource recovery practice
Abstracts/Full-Text Paper Submission Deadline |
February 13, 2025 |
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection |
February 27, 2025 |
Final Paper (Camera Ready) Submission & Early Bird Registration Deadline |
October 08, 2026 |
Conference Dates |
November 08-09, 2026 |