Operations Research Conferences
Operations Research Conferences is an indexed listing of upcoming meetings, seminars, congresses, workshops, programs, continuing CME courses, trainings, summits, and weekly, annual or monthly symposiums.
Operations Research Conferences lists relevant events for national/international researchers, scientists, scholars, professionals, engineers, exhibitors, sponsors, academic, scientific and university practitioners to attend and present their research activities.
operations research conference listings are indexed in scientific databases like Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, Zenedo, OpenAIRE, EBSCO, BASE, WorldCAT, Sherpa/RoMEO, Compendex, Elsevier, Scopus, Thomson Reuters (Web of Science), RCSI Library, UGC Approved Journals, ACM, CAS, ACTA, CASSI, ISI, SCI, ESCI, SCIE, Springer, Wiley, Taylor Francis, and The Science Citation Index (SCI).
- ICBTAS 2025: Business Technology, Analysis and Strategy Conference, Washington (Feb 24-25, 2025)
- ICIEEM 2025: Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, Sydney (Feb 24-25, 2025)
- ICIEEM 2025: Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, Rio de Janeiro (Feb 24-25, 2025)
- ICIEEM 2025: Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, Tokyo (Feb 24-25, 2025)
- ICIEEM 2025: Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, Washington (Feb 24-25, 2025)
- ICIEMS 2025: Industrial, Engineering, and Management Systems Conference, New Delhi (Feb 24-25, 2025)
- ICIMSE 2025: Industrial, Manufacturing and Systems Engineering Conference, Tokyo (Feb 24-25, 2025)
- ICMSEM 2025: Management Science and Engineering Management Conference, Buenos Aires (Feb 24-25, 2025)
- ICOME 2025: Operations and Management Engineering Conference, Buenos Aires (Feb 24-25, 2025)
- ICRAM 2025: Risk Assessment and Management Conference, Tokyo (Feb 24-25, 2025)
- ICRMSARA 2025: Reliability, Maintainability, Safety Analysis and Risk Assessment Conference, Washington (Feb 24-25, 2025)
- ICSCIM 2025: Supply Chain and Inventory Management Conference, Tokyo (Feb 24-25, 2025)
- ICSCOR 2025: Supply Chain and Operations Resilience Conference, Tokyo (Feb 24-25, 2025)
- ICBSDA 2025: Business Systems Design and Analysis Conference, Rome (Mar 03-04, 2025)
- ICIBE 2025: Industrial and Business Engineering Conference, Rome (Mar 03-04, 2025)
- ICOR 2025: Operations Research Conference, Rome (Mar 03-04, 2025)
- ICORF 2025: Operations Research and Fuzziology Conference, Rome (Mar 03-04, 2025)
- ICBIE 2025: Business and Industrial Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICBSDA 2025: Business Systems Design and Analysis Conference, Prague (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICBSDA 2025: Business Systems Design and Analysis Conference, Istanbul (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICBSDA 2025: Business Systems Design and Analysis Conference, London (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICEIT 2025: Industrial Engineering and Information Technology Conference, Miami (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICESCS 2025: Engineering Supply Chain Systems Conference, Dubai (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICIBE 2025: Industrial and Business Engineering Conference, London (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICIBE 2025: Industrial and Business Engineering Conference, Prague (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICIBE 2025: Industrial and Business Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICIEEM 2025: Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, Prague (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICIEMS 2025: Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, Istanbul (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICIESM 2025: Industrial Engineering and Systems Management Conference, Prague (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICIIE 2025: Information and Industrial Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICIMSE 2025: Industrial, Manufacturing and Systems Engineering Conference, Hanoi (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICMIE 2025: Management and Industrial Engineering Conference, Istanbul (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICOMC 2025: Operations Management and Control Conference, Dubai (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICOR 2025: Operations Research Conference, London (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICOR 2025: Operations Research Conference, Prague (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICOR 2025: Operations Research Conference, Istanbul (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICRMSARA 2025: Reliability, Maintainability, Safety Analysis and Risk Assessment Conference, Istanbul (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICSCM 2025: Supply Chain Management Conference, Dubai (Mar 10-11, 2025)
- ICBSDA 2025: Business Systems Design and Analysis Conference, Paris (Mar 17-18, 2025)
- ICEISE 2025: Enterprise Information Systems and Engineering Conference, Madrid (Mar 17-18, 2025)
- ICIBE 2025: Industrial and Business Engineering Conference, Paris (Mar 17-18, 2025)
- ICIESM 2025: Industrial Engineering and Systems Management Conference, New York (Mar 17-18, 2025)
- ICIPMG 2025: Innovations in Public Management and Governance Conference, Doha (Mar 17-18, 2025)
- ICOR 2025: Operations Research Conference, Paris (Mar 17-18, 2025)
- ICSCLE 2025: Supply Chain and Logistics Engineering Conference, Madrid (Mar 17-18, 2025)
- ICSEEM 2025: Systems Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, New York (Mar 17-18, 2025)
- ICCIE 2025: Computers and Industrial Engineering Conference, Kuwait (Mar 24-25, 2025)
- ICDCIE 2025: Developing Countries and Innovation Engineering Conference, Brussels (Mar 24-25, 2025)
- ICIEMS 2025: Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences Conference, Singapore (Mar 24-25, 2025)
- ICIETOM 2025: Industrial Engineering Technology and Operations Management Conference, Venice (Apr 03-04, 2025)
- ICSCM 2025: Supply Chain Management Conference, Athens (Apr 03-04, 2025)
- ICBSDA 2025: Business Systems Design and Analysis Conference, London (Apr 10-11, 2025)
- ICEISE 2025: Enterprise Information Systems and Engineering Conference, Boston (Apr 10-11, 2025)
- ICIBE 2025: Industrial and Business Engineering Conference, London (Apr 10-11, 2025)
- ICIPAG 2025: Innovations in Public Administration and Governance Conference, Cape Town (Apr 10-11, 2025)
- ICIPMG 2025: Innovations in Public Management and Governance Conference, Cape Town (Apr 10-11, 2025)
- ICOR 2025: Operations Research Conference, London (Apr 10-11, 2025)
- ICSCLE 2025: Supply Chain and Logistics Engineering Conference, Boston (Apr 10-11, 2025)
- ICBSDA 2025: Business Systems Design and Analysis Conference, New York (Apr 17-18, 2025)
- ICBSDA 2025: Business Systems Design and Analysis Conference, Paris (Apr 17-18, 2025)
- ICIBE 2025: Industrial and Business Engineering Conference, New York (Apr 17-18, 2025)
- ICIBE 2025: Industrial and Business Engineering Conference, Paris (Apr 17-18, 2025)
- ICIEEM 2025: Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, New York (Apr 17-18, 2025)
- ICIESM 2025: Industrial Engineering and Systems Management Conference, Paris (Apr 17-18, 2025)
- ICIME 2025: Industrial and Management Engineering Conference, Tokyo (Apr 17-18, 2025)
- ICLSC 2025: Logistics and Supply Chain Conference, New York (Apr 17-18, 2025)
- ICLSCM 2025: Logistics and Supply Chain Management Conference, Marrakesh (Apr 17-18, 2025)
- ICOR 2025: Operations Research Conference, Paris (Apr 17-18, 2025)
- ICOR 2025: Operations Research Conference, New York (Apr 17-18, 2025)
- ICOR 2025: Operations Research Conference, Seville (Apr 17-18, 2025)
- ICSCIM 2025: Supply Chain and Inventory Management Conference, Marrakesh (Apr 17-18, 2025)
- ICSEEM 2025: Systems Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, New York (Apr 17-18, 2025)
- ICBSDA 2025: Business Systems Design and Analysis Conference, Singapore (Apr 24-25, 2025)
- ICBSDA 2025: Business Systems Design and Analysis Conference, Jerusalem (Apr 24-25, 2025)
- ICGSCLM 2025: Global Supply Chain and Logistics Management Conference, Istanbul (Apr 24-25, 2025)
- ICIBE 2025: Industrial and Business Engineering Conference, Jerusalem (Apr 24-25, 2025)
- ICIBE 2025: Industrial and Business Engineering Conference, Singapore (Apr 24-25, 2025)
- ICIEEM 2025: Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, Jerusalem (Apr 24-25, 2025)
- ICOR 2025: Operations Research Conference, Jerusalem (Apr 24-25, 2025)
- ICIEMS 2025: Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences Conference, Rome (May 01-02, 2025)
- ICIME 2025: Industrial and Management Engineering Conference, Istanbul (May 01-02, 2025)
- ICIPMG 2025: Innovations in Public Management and Governance Conference, Amsterdam (May 01-02, 2025)
- ICLSCM 2025: Logistics and Supply Chain Management Conference, Amsterdam (May 01-02, 2025)
- ICMIE 2025: Management and Industrial Engineering Conference, Amsterdam (May 01-02, 2025)
- ICORF 2025: Operations Research and Fuzziology Conference, Amsterdam (May 01-02, 2025)
- ICEISE 2025: Enterprise Information Systems and Engineering Conference, Paris (May 08-09, 2025)
- ICMSEM 2025: Management Science and Engineering Management Conference, Florence (May 08-09, 2025)
- ICSCLE 2025: Supply Chain and Logistics Engineering Conference, Paris (May 08-09, 2025)
- ICSCM 2025: Supply Chain Management Conference, Sydney (May 08-09, 2025)
- ICBPSCM 2025: Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling Conference, Las Vegas (May 15-16, 2025)
- ICESCS 2025: Engineering Supply Chain Systems Conference, Berlin (May 15-16, 2025)
- ICESCS 2025: Engineering Supply Chain Systems Conference, Las Vegas (May 15-16, 2025)
- ICIESM 2025: Industrial Engineering and Systems Management Conference, Berlin (May 15-16, 2025)
- ICLESC 2025: Logistics Engineering and Supply Chain Conference, Berlin (May 15-16, 2025)
- ICOME 2025: Operations and Management Engineering Conference, Vancouver (May 15-16, 2025)
- ICDS 2025: Analytics Driven Solutions Conference, Barcelona (May 22-23, 2025)
- ICGLSCM 2025: Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management Conference, Belgrade (May 22-23, 2025)
- ICIETOM 2025: Industrial Engineering Technology and Operations Management Conference, Barcelona (May 22-23, 2025)
- ICIME 2025: Industrial and Management Engineering Conference, Barcelona (May 22-23, 2025)
- ICOR 2025: Operations Research Conference, London (May 22-23, 2025)
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